This is Master Nikolaos Margiori’s eighth essay.
It is described by the physical and mainly by the metaphysical side. This famous hectoplasm is poured by hypnotized intermediates, by the people who are able by nature, consciously or uncosciously, to put it out, but also from the kingdoms of the nature.
Therefore, the hectoplasm is a spirit-matter or an etheric matter. By it the fleshless beings are materialized and are changed into incarnate beings. The scientific analysis of the hectoplasm presents us only its material side. Its etheric part or its cohesive logic is not conceived by the organs of the science. It is invisible and it is not localized. However, it still constitutes a unique power with the elements of the matter, that composes with them the physical bearer, the body we possess.
It contains numerous and curious qualities. It gets out from the body holes, from the head, the breast, the genitals, the hands and the feet. It is therapeutical and wherever it leans, it revives the cells, it closes the wounds, it cures the passions and it brings health and harmony back.
There are various qualitites of this curious sticking fluid. It comes out of people who sometimes understand and control it and sometimes ignore it completely. On the other hand, there are some people who are called materializing intermediates or hectoplasmatic intermediates, that bear a special hypnosis and then secrete the hectoplasm.
It has such a value that it manages to form a physical body with cells, fibres, organs, muscles, nerves, subnerves and cortical cells, creating thus a perfect organism that is able to perform every human activity.
For more detail, read the said essay, as well as other essays, and mainly Mariori’s book “Reincarnation” in which - besides everything else - the three-year experiments of English chemist William Krux are analyzed. Krux, with a staff of 23 scientists made continual and thorough experimentations in the materializations of Indian princesse Katia King, with intermediate Florans Kuk’s assistance.
And when the journalists asked him if it is true what is said about happening in the experiments that all the present scientsts signed, he answered: “I do not say that this is possible, I say that it is”.
William Krux is the scientist who had discovered the element Thalio and was awarded with the Nobel prize.