This is Master Nikolaos Margioris twenty-first essay.
In this essay, the methods of the ascension from the conscience to the subconscience, from the wakefulness to the artificial sleep - or to the ensleeping or to the hypnotism - for the production of therapeutical results in different diseases that harass the man of our times, are analyzed.
As explained in the essay, thousands of years have passed since the times that man was guided by his subconscious. Then, his organism was much stronger and endurable against any microbe and virus, The subconscious among others, had undertaken the role of the health protection
Later, the change of the Mind administration from the subconscience to the conscience took place. But the man’s new behaviour, his defficient contact with nature, with his new conscious mentality was not enough to cover his health matter. Thus, man was obliged to use his conscience again in order to bring health and natural life back.
As described in the essay, the subconscience knew not only how to cure but also how to reform and to reconstruct the members of the body that, for different causes, were cut off from the organism or were so sick that were rejected by it
This therapy was achieved by a torpor that the subconscience brought to the man of those times and by an internal activity that the muscles of the body executed, because by this procedure the nervous system was removing from every activity and only the muscular system was used for the reformation of the body parts, for its revival and its good function.
Here the thinkers of Truth came, introspected themselves and found out that only the subconscience would help man again, as in the past, to find and use again the necessary health he lost, after his departure from the conscience to the subconscience, with whatever this may mean.
But how could it be realized practically? The superior minds, the great mystics found the way of the Ensleeping. Through it, man could find and use again the prolonged and most powerful subconscience, that would give him the most desired health, exactly this health that the conscience could not afforde him any more.
This Science, the Ensleeping (Hypnotism) is developed and analyzed in every detail, theoretically and practically, as a full method of transgression from the conscience to the subconscience that gives every man the physical resrotration of his health and of his natural life.