This is Master Nikolaos Margiori’s twentieth essay.
In tbis essay the methods of the ascension from the conscience to the hyperconscience, from the wakefulness to the artificial sleep or ensleeping or hypnotism,, for the production of therapeutical results in different diseases that harass the man of our days, are analysed. Moreover, besides the hypnotism other methods related to the therapeutics, as eterotherapy and autotherapy, the therapeutics from near or far, the Static Therapeutics, the Kinetic Therapeutics and the Fingertapping, are delivered.
As mentioned, the established rule of the conscience must cooperate with or let the subconscience activity free to act. Instincts, Muscular System, Firstenergy, Rhytm-movement of the Vibrations and other systems existing within us, must come back to the actuality. Thus the subconscience, being a representative and a guide of the above esopowers will be able to work miracles, and to help the corrupted man (conscience) to come back to his initial perfection (bodily and psychical).
For this purpose, the Therapeutics without Medicines comes to open new horizons in the Esoteric Therapeutics, so that man may be able to know the treasured powers within him and to treat them, giving back the body the powers-energies which it possessed once.
In order that man may be able to achieve this, man needs the assistance of his subconscience that possesse some experiences kept from the depths of milleniums, proper to cure every disease of the body and of the wretched Mind.
In order that this cooperation may be able to be realized, the fellow-man must know many points of the unknown factors that fight one against the other in his body and that are characterized as permanent vibrations. These vibrations are the movements of the esopowers that should be directed, guided, regulated according to the case, and to well-balance the two great systems of the orgabism, the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic.
Exaxtly for this reason, in the Therapeutics without Medicines, the techniques and the methods that will give the ease, from near or from far, of the coordination and of the harmonization of our internal energy-life power, resulting the restoration of the disturbed order in our organism and the strengthening of a stable health line, are delivered.