This is Master Nikolaos Margiori’s seventeenth essay.
In it we learn how these saint people of Christ’s times who were His compatriots and maybe His joint-ideologists, lived and worked. Jesus never mentioned this cruel hereis of His race and of His country. I wonder why this happened.
Perhaps, He stayed in the huge Kumran camp, during His absence years? The holy Cylinder of the Esseans’ Regulaton puts us out of many questions and very many suppositions. By it, we see the Essean truly released from the wordly things and consacred in his mysticist exercises.
Thus, we know a discipline kept by an Esoteric wakening that caused the presentations of those who helped Jesus to perform His holy work on the earth. They suppose that the necessary Wakening of Master Jesus Christ’s assistants derived from this holy Cylinder. Those assistants were St.John the Baptis, St. John the Theologian and Evangelist and maybe many others who were learners beside the Biblic saints of the chief Esseans who possessed the holy marks of the Esotericism.
In the beginning the Word existed. It is this word that st. John uses. It is this word that Esseans used...