This is Master Nikolaos Margiori’s eleventh essay.
In it, not only the shaking mystery of the Anastenarides non-flammabIlity is analyzed, but the reader can penetrate the man’s deeper psychical departments that educate him properly. He learns about the grandeur of the human presentation, when the soul rules, putting aside the Mind.
An internal flood tide of etheric substance strengthens the cohesion of the weak flesh and we see by our own eyes this phenomenon: the internal fire (our etheric substance) quenches the external fire of our physical world.
The ekstasy that accompanies the Greek Anasternarides is the lifegiving power that unites the man’s external substance with the inner Intellect and with our psychopneumatic eternity.
A full goodness accompanies these blessed children of God and a tendency of them to the necessary ecstatic attachment.
The how and the why of the non-flammability, which power interferes and how it is presented, is interpreted rightly in extensive details.
The reader will find more details in Mariori’s book They danse barefoot on the fire.
youtube (Video Presentation) -
1. Ιnauguration Video of Neopythagoreanism Metaphysical School, Omakoeio Trikala, from the Greek Spiritual Master Nikolaοs Α. Margioris, Day Saturday, January 18, 1992, 8.00 pm, with English Subtitles. - Α΄Part of VIDEO (Duration: 2:02:44).
2. Ιnauguration Video of Neopythagoreanism Metaphysical School, Omakoeio Trikala, from the Greek Spiritual Master Nikolaοs Α. Margioris, Day Sunday, January 19, 1992, 8.00 pm, with English Subtitles. - B΄Part of VIDEO (Duration: 1:26:15)
3. Speech and video of Master Nikolaos Margioris at the house of Gregory Krombas on the subject of Socrates’ “stochasmos” i.e. concentration. Besides the presentation accompanied by the video, the above speech contains speeches from old cassettes translated into English and added to the video giving some extra teachings of Master Nikolaos Margioris. Additionally there is a 10 minute video with parts of a speech given by the Master to the students of his Spiritual Circle at a dinner in honor of his son Andreas Margioris, professor of Endocrinology, Athens 1986.
The Duration of the video is10 minutes. The whole video and the texts accompanying it are subtitled in English. Total duration of the video is 1 hour and 34 minutes.
Information: Yoga Academy of Nickolaos Margioris - Omakoio, Greece
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Τηλ.: 24310-75505 ή 6974-580768
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Man. The Divine Mind, gives you everything to facilitate you dismantling of your materials of covers they hides from you your divine origin and your spiritual radiance. Break the shackles of matter, by relinquishing all the interesting nature of matter and with your reconciling with karma, the Divine your support. Then you will experience the fun that few experienced the earth, rejoice with the aches and pains that you come to earth. These aches and pains, is your ticket, which will carry the material, the beloved spiritual region, where we will worship the Divine Flame and the bright spark we will unite with her, to exclaim that he who blesses and those who are blessed of one (we are) everybody. Athens February 23, 1989 Nicholas I. Margioris (Book Karma p 365)
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