It is N. Margioris nineteenth book that was published in 1988, and that presents us a very ancient method of therapeutics for the soul and the body, that brings health back to the diseased person. The exercises of the members of the body, combined with the strictly regulated participation of the breathing, strengthen the muscular and the nervous systems, with inhalation, holding the air inside us, expiration and holding the air outside us, so that the powers of the organism may be able to be counterbalanced and equalized. The practical method of Kriya Yoga was written to be applied rightly by the trainees and their trainers. To cure without medicines and without any mechanical means every bodily disease and every psychopathy. It is based on the Mind and on the exercises where the body is subject., having as assistants the Nervous and the Musculat systems. Every exercise of Kriya, by its seven phases, not only cures the body diseases, but it also revives the whole organism and prevents the tendencies for diseases to be cultivated in the body of man. Also, it has the systematized ability to cure the so-called psychopathies, that is the diseases of the mans Mind. It promotes the true honourable sense.., together with the bodily and the psyschical (Intellectual) health. It provides the true teaching for a higher spiritual morality, that elevates the right virtues of the trainee. One single glance shows, by the infinite sketcjes and the descriptions of the exercises, how the numerous diseases can be cured. Try and be convinced yourselves. It is about a rare and unique in analysis work, on the basis of the universal data, which revives the authentical science of Kriya Yoga and presents it selfsame to the humanity again.
White Page .............................................. 1
White Page .............................................. 2
White Page ............................................. 3
White Page .............................................. 4
Dedication .............................................. 5
Warm Request ............................................ 6
Certification of the work validity ...................... 6
Name of the work ........................................ 7
Sketch representations of the work ...................... 7
Attendance of the work .................................. 8
Why the Method of the Practical Therapeutics
Criya Yoga was written ................................. 9
When and where the Practical Method of the
Therapeutics of Criya Yoga was writen .................. 10
Forword ................................................. 11
The revivers of Criya Yoga .............................. 14
Preface ................................................. 15
Introduction ............................................ 18
Sakra and Nadis ......................................... 24
Criya Yoga as a Product of Conscience Subconscience ..... 30
Cooperation of the Nervous and the Musclar Systems ...... 36
Pranayama in Criya Yoga ................................. 39
The pairs of the phases ................................. 44
The handled Practical Application of the somato-
therapeutics Criya Yoga ................................ 46
The breath science accompanies inceasingly
Criya Yoga ............................................. 50
Vayu (Etheric air) ...................................... 54
FIRST PART .............................................. 57
Advices taken from the experience of the practice in
Criya Yoga ............................................. 58
Descriptive not-sketch representative fre exercises ..... 59
Nominal situation of the free, descriptive and not
sketch representatives therapeutical exercises ......... 60
Exercises for all the body. Strengthening exercises of
all the nervous and muscular system ................... 61
First exercise: Of the local junps ..................... 61
Second exercise: Of the headaches and migraines
therapy ............................................... 64
Third exercise: Of the eyes cleaning Tratakaposture .... 66
Fourth exercise: Of the therapy of the poor circulation
and removal of the chilblain and the frostbite ........ 68
Sixth exercise: General and total exercises of the
Nervous, Respiratory, Circulating, Muscular and ....... 70
Metabolistic System ................................... 72
Seventh exercise: Of the Respiratory and
Circulating System .................................... 74
Eighth exercise: Of the whole organism cleaning ........ 76
Ninth exercise: Of cleaning and elegance
of the voice .......................................... 78
Tenth exercise: Of the feet risings on the spot with
rhythmical breath ..................................... 80
Eleventh exercise: Of overweight from 100-150 kilos
from chair ........................................... 82
Twelfth exercise: Of overweight from 100-150 kilos
from floor ............................................ 84
Thirteenth exercise: Salute to the sun ................. 85
Fourteenth exercise: Exercising the lower muscles of the
hunches. Supinelybent exercising ...................... 87
Fifteenth exercise: Antisomniac exercise ............... 89
Sixteenth exercise: Antidiabetic and antiasthmatic ..... 91
Seventheeth exercise: Bringing back at their position
the muscles of the hands .............................. 93
Eighteenth exercise: Bringing back at their position
the muscles of the legs ............................... 96
Nineteenth exercise: Of the fingers .................... 99
Twentieth exercise: Of the toes ........................ 101
Nominal situation of the 30 sketch represented
exercises .............................................. 103
First exercise: Discharge of our being from the attached
ill aeries within us ................................... 105
Second exercise: Therapy of the old age trembling,
of the depressing pressure and of the stomach swell .... 111
Third exercise: The reneing of the tortoise ............. 117
Fourth exercise: Of the ship. Recharge of the nervous and
of the muscular systems ................................ 124
Fifth exercise: Of the diamant. The perfect exercise .... 130
Sixth exercise: Of the neck ............................. 134
Pregnancy exercises: Painless childbirth ................ 140
Seventh exercise: From the quatting pose displacements of
the legs ............................................... 141
Eighth exercise: Squatting pose and kneeling ............ 146
Ninth exercise: Squatting pose and absolutely arched .... 151
Tenth exercise: The back and the head on the floor at
a birth pose ........................................... 156
Eleventh exercise: Uniting hands and legs and stressing
the knees .............................................. 161
Twelfth exercise: Sneak pose ............................ 166
Thirteenth exercise: Lion pose .......................... 171
Fourteenth exercise: Camel pose ......................... 176
Fifteenth exercise: Arch pose. Antidiabetic ............. 180
Sixteenth exercise: Plow pose. Omnitherapeutical ........ 184
Seventeenth exercise: Death pose. Of arteriosclerosis and
hypertasis. Curing the nerves and the lungs ............ 189
Eighteenth exercise: Hands and legs pose. Curing the
nerves and the lungs ................................... 194
Nineteenth exercise: The opposite view. Torch ........... 199
Twentieth exercise: Hips and squatting pose. Lumbago
therapy ................................................ 203
Twentith first exercise: Phoenix pose. It
adds height ............................................ 208
Twentieth second exercise: Diagonal pose. Curer
of liver ............................................... 212
Twentieth third exercise: Triagonal pose.
Strengtherning the heart ............................... 217
Twentieth fourth exercise: Hand-legs by thumb poses. It
strengthens Mind and senses ............................ 222
Twentieth fifth exercise: One leg only pose. Against the
nerves weakness ........................................ 228
Twentieth sixth exercise: Mountain pose. Strengthening
the lungs .............................................. 234
Twentieth seventh exercise: Pose that makes everythin
beautiful and helps in sex ............................. 240
Twentieth eighth exercise: Yoga sealing Yogi's face ..... 246
Twentieth ninth exercise: Precaution from the
shoulders curving and from the stomach fall ............ 251
Thirtieth exercise: The swan pose. Balance and harmony
in body ................................................ 257
Mind Therapeutics ....................................... 262
Contents of the Second Part ............................. 262
The forword of the second part .......................... 263
The veil of Ethicoplastics in Criya Yoga ................ 266
The Conscience Center ................................... 269
Concentration and Comparison. The two superguns
of Mind ................................................ 272
Why the Mind diseases and defects were named
psychoasthenias ........................................ 275
First exercise: The psychic therapeutics in the very
ancient peoples ........................................ 278
Second exercise: Cutting off wine-drinking .............. 282
Third exercise: Rejection of cleptomania ................ 288
Fourth exercise: Dissapearance of lie ................... 291
Fifth exercise: Bringing back the memory ................ 294
Sixth exercise: Fighting against arrogance .............. 297
Seventh exercise: Therapy of cosmophobia ................ 301
Eighth exercise: Therapy of nerophobia .................. 304
Ninth exercise: Therapy of pyrophobia ................... 306
Tenth exercise: Therapy of arostophobia ................. 304
Eleventh exercise: Therapy of excessive eating .......... 310
Twelfth exercise: Therapy of death phobia ............... 313
Thirteenth exercise: Therapy of lovesickness ............ 316
Forteenth exercise: Therapy og fucking mania ............ 319
Fifteenth exercise: Therapy of plutomania ............... 323
Sixteenth exercise: Therapy of vanity ................... 326
Seventeenth exercise: Therapy of laziness ............... 328
Eighteenth exercise: Therapy of sleepiness .............. 331
Nineteenth exercise: Therapy of egopathy ................ 334
Twentieth exercise: Therapy of oreopathia ............... 337
The transgressive in Criya Yoga ......................... 340
Relation of the three parts of the work ................. 341
Transgressive orientation in Criya ...................... 342
Contents of the third part .............................. 343
In our days the miracle of the transgressivenes in
Criya is lost .......................................... 346
The forgotten method of elevation to the
transgresiveness of Criya Yoga ......................... 349
EPILOGUE ................................................ 351