This is N. Margiori’s sixteenth book that was published for the first time in 1982 (two editions). It is about a complete, visionary interpretation of every man’s life after death. It gives us an unprecedented analysis of the spaces where the soul enters after death, being. fleshless and liberated now. It proves the ontinuation of the spirit-psychical life in other dimensions and the development of an activity that aims to complete its perfecting to the likening with the perfection itself. All the insurmountable obstacles of the dissolution of the darkness, of the superstitions and of the ignorance, have been overcome and the student of the invisible worlds enters triumphantly the worlds of the area beyond. A vivid and fearless narration, a clear and lucid presentation, give us even the smallest information about the consequents of the death. A living mirror in which all the posthumous activities of the spirit-soul appear, in the adjacent dimensions where it resorts to. The posthumois Life keeps the student or the reader informed about every fact after death, and prepares him for the great marvel of the rejection of the mummy - carrier - body, during the great Judgement. It has no relation with any phobias or bitternesses. On the contrary, it animates, strengthens and provides, through the Truth it teaches, the perfect psychical relief and omnipower. It suggests us to wonder how our present ignorance harms us. While, on the contrary, the knowledge of the Truth arms our natural Mind with vigour, because it gives us the esoteric hidden knowledge that bring the soul near us and that, under its help we realize the secret of our eternity that is deeply hidden. By this book, the reader enters his personal initiation. Through this initiation, he possesses now the method of the serviceable death and it uses it automatically at the holy moment of the rejection of the binding matter-flesh. Do read this revealing book. It concerns all of us, because it proves us in an incomparable and thorough way, the immortal area of our being.
Contents | |
Dedication | page5 |
Preface | page9 |
Introduction | page14 |
Reader's preparation for our subject | page17 |
Physicoetheric world | page22 |
Ethericophysic body | page30 |
Astricothymic world | page37 |
Astricothymic body | page47 |
Intellectual and spiritual world | page54 |
Spiritual intellectual body | page64 |
Soul | page73 |
Spirit | page84 |
Reincarnation | page92 |
Metempsychosis | page102 |
Karma | page108 |
Death and its causes | page119 |
Posthumous life | page129 |
The seventh ray with the beings and its worlds | page158 |
Death does not exist, man is immortal | page168 |
The mystic experiences convince us for our immortality | page180 |
Hail immortal man! True image and effigy of him | page194 |
The resurrection of the dead | page206 |
God and man compose the whole and single philosophical system | page219 |
E p i l o g u e | page235 |