This is the writers fifth book whixh was published for the first time in 1976 (two editions). It is the commencement of N. Margioris complete work in Yoga in Greece. In this book, the writer refers constantly to Kriya Yoga, that after a few years he presented officially in Greece, theoretically and practically (see the homonymous book Kriya Yoga). It is about a practical philosophical book that introduces, in its own way, the reader to the secrets of the most ancient science in earth, that is of YOGA. If the searcher gets really excited of the revelations presented in this little but important work, the union of the lower ego with the higher Ego will be achieved.
1) Tou should always remember that you must perform every ASANA before meals or at least 3-4 hours after meals. 2) As a regulation, no movement at all in Hatha Yoga must be done, without the rhythmical breath. If this takes place, we have no profit at all. 3) The most important in Hatha Yoga is the ATTENTION copncentration in every movement, so that the Spirit may be able to follow and to cooperate closely and totally for our boduly exercise. 4) The basic rhythm that should prevail during the performance of the poses-movements-positions, is the natural slow rhythm, without any ennervatiob and mainly without any stressing. 5) When you make sure that during the performance of an ASANA, you feel pain, stop immediately the exercise-movement. By this, you must know that Hatha Yoga does not accept and does not tolerate pains, neither in body nor in soul. 6) Also, Hatha Yoga has not as its destination any competition and is not interested in keeping the primacy, the natural prizes and the applauses, but its aim is holy and unique: the granting of a permanent bright health in the body. 7) Hatha Yoga asks by its faithful student to follow it in all his soul, so that it may be able to give him the right bodily life and sometimes the despiritualization.
1) Forword 7
2) Preface 10
3) Introduction 13
4) Postintroductory 18
5) Theoretical Part 20
6) Relaxation 28
7) Other Relaxation kinds 34
8) Meditation 42
9) Sakra - Centers - Powers 61
10) Different Muntras 75
11) Different Asanas 80
12) Nadis 90
13) Hatha Yoga and every Yoga 93
14) Epilogue 109
15) Contents 112