These initial small essays contain information about the old times and are occupied in the formating of the impressions that come from their experience.
Although they are small and of a limited development, bear very old messages and give a right picture of the therapeutics matters. Here we find Reichebach’s OD or Odion and Mesmer’s magnetotherapy, accompanied by Theofrastos Parakelso’s teaching, that enlighten the darkness.
Then, the Amfiaraeas and the Asclepeans follow that kept alive the Truth delivered in the Elefsinian Mysteries. In the Asclepeans, the eternal dynamism-magnetism gave the solution of the therapies and of the men’s revival.
Thus, the therapy of the preages arrived to our own days. The preasclepean and the postasclepean eras give us their knowledge. The preasclepean era by its physiotherapeutics, by its applying the physical energy, as the human dynamism transmits life. In the decline (postasclepean), the exoteric concoctions-medicines appeared.
The six first essays are the following: School of Asclepeans - Hypnotherapists, Sharles Forn Reichebach, School of Asclepeans-Spirittherapists - Theofrastos Parakelsos, Magnetotherapy, Asclepeia and Amfiaraea, the Therapy of the Preages.
These six essays offer their services to the restless student and frank searcher to the way of the self-knowledge and to the ability for an actual therapeutical offer to the fellow-man.